Three-dimensional Labyrinth Puzzle


A space in which to experiment with traditional puzzle pieces, in a totally different and thought-provoking way. The giant modules, which differ in height and colour, allow three-dimensional labyrinths to be created, explored and climbed upon, or where children can jump from piece to piece. Their imagination will be responsible for creating the interactions between themselves and the puzzle-space.

Constructed in 3D-Tech, the pieces are rigid and very light. They allow children to move and change their position during the game. To move the bigger pieces, two children will have to co-operate together, which will enhance collaboration in the game experience. Set upon any kind of paving, sand, grass or elastic agglomerate material, it allows endless labyrinth designs by combining heights and colours.

The rigid posts anchored to the floor allow certain puzzle pieces to be immobilized as a reference point and so that arches or other three-dimensional figures can be raised.